Monday, July 17, 2006

Konigstein: Saxonian Switzerland

小城, 静美. KONIGSTEIN就这么幸福地躲在山里.

Konigstein is the name of the castle on the rock and the name of the village too. Castle Konigstein is easy for walking - it´s not so high but the entrance fee is high, 12 Euros. But for the rock Lilienstein you need good shoes and should be very careful because it´s a long and high way for hiking.
The konigstein has been a medieval castle, later a monastery and finally a fortress. In the 16th century it became a state prison and in the following centuries it saw kings and emperors like August the Strong, Tsar Peter I. and Napoleon. The fortress is situated on a tabel mount in a height of 361 meter. From the walls of the fortress you have a fantastic view of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.


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