Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New Horizon ... I've learnt that ...

It’s great here at Dresden, Germany for 3 mths business vocations. The culture, socially and work-wise, is so different compared with Malaysia. To cope, I tell myself to soak in the good because anywhere we go there’s always something that people are good at. The hardest part is going home (after work) and realising that I’m far from family and close friends. It can get pretty lonesome. Keeping busy is a good way to deal with that feeling. Getting to know the people here and spending time with them after work also helps.

Being unfamiliar with roads and places is not fun either, but after a month I got the hang of things, and thanks to information from the Internet, I have found my way around Dresden. Transportation is fine, and convenient. It just takes time to get used to things. The key to this whole switching of environments is to be a part of it. Otherwise, it can get rather miserable when you always think that you’re an alien in the country.
I have to adapt almost immediately.

... I love it here. People are very nice and friendly, ever willing to help, only if you ask. Here, there is work life balance. Everything is about efficiency and working smart. This kind of work culture exceeds my expectations! A sense of belonging is what you have to learn to obtain by yourself. It’s what you do to get in the group, not what you do to get others to accept you.

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