Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Capital of Czech Republic: Prague

It was mixed weather sun and rain but we pretty well managed to see most things considering some attractions here. When I visited Prague I didn't quite know what to expect. I had assumed to see a lot of faceless concrete buildings, and time worn faces on the local population. That couldn't have been farther from the truth. Prague is at a crossroads between old and new, constraint and freedom.

The Capital of the Czech Republic Prague is called "Maticka Praha" by the Czech people which means "little mother Prague". For 40 years The Czech Republic was under communist rule until what is know as the 'velvet revolution' in 1989. It is now part of the EU, although they have not adopted the euro currency.

It has an incredible history of conquest, peace, and domination. The Czech Republic has seen many changes in the last few decades and it is nice to see that Prague hasn't lost any of its charm. This was my first trip to this capital city. I was able to see really interesting architecture, listen to very talented musicians and see works of art in many different forms.

If you haven't been to Prague yet it should be on your list for places to visit in Europe.


Anonymous said...

Hi SP,

Thanks for showing us Prague. It's beautiful! Did you get any artifact for collections?

I love the photo you took from buildings and scenery. But I also miss your photo about living beings............


Anonymous said...

When touring Prague, you will encounter a wealth of architecture to admire. A variety of styles are represented throughout the city in old buildings, churches and monuments!