Monday, June 26, 2006

Elbhangfest (3)

Oops! Jan just told me this place isjust the beginning point of the festival, the music perfomance is far at the end. No wonder I find there's nothing here...
Elbhangfest, which is known far beyond the borders of Saxony, came into existence in 1991 in connection with an initiative to save two churches of cultural and historic value on the slope by the River Elbe.
The laying of the foundation stone for the reconstruction of Loschwitz church and the replacing of the restored spire ball to the Weinbergkirche (vineyard church) in Pillnitz formed the background for a public festival, which was entirely new for Dresden in terms both of its dimensions and its character – a combination of a street, village, art and culture festival.
The Elbhangfest has since been celebrated 12 times and, as the highlight of the month of June, has found a place in the hearts of the Dresdeners and their visitors.

Elbhangfest (2)

1st photo: "Underwater World", 3 Euros to experience it!
2nd photo: The "Public Bath" setup for the kids.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Elbhangfest 23-25June

Summer in Germany is the time to be outdoors. There are a wide variety of celebrations and festivals. This is the 2nd I have seen so far.

Dragon boat racing is popular all over South East Asia. Surprisingly, I find Dragon Boat Festival here in Germany. The teams compete in beautifully decorated boats which speed through the water powered by the strong arms of the oarsmen and the invigorating roar of drums. Bravo!

Saturday, June 24, 2006





吃得那么丰盛啊, 这要多长几斤肉啊! 看來我該踩多幾輪單車了!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


辛辛苦苦出一次国,想带些小礼物回国送给亲朋好友,可要做功课了。如果买回来的东西不具代表性,在 马来西亚就买得到,那可真是会让人气结。据说德国生产的啤酒, 凉酒很好喝,德国的猪脚和香肠更好吃, 到德国不买是一种浪费。不知携带上飞机方不方不便。巧克力据说也是鼎鼎有名的。 唉!可真是辛苦呢!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Glad to be visitor to your blog

Hi Suh Peng,

I'll be happy to be visitor to your blog.
I'm writing u from TMIM, where I'm attending DSMP training with clients. We have Yvonne doing the training, Stephanie as the assistant, and Sean and myself the "students". It's a refresher course for me, since November last year.
Will write you again tomorrow.


Monday, June 19, 2006


同樣的東西, 在不同的店里, 价格能相差一倍以上。德国的蔬菜比肉贵, 有很多常见的蔬菜在德国很难买到, 超市里卖的一般都是经过冷藏处理的蔬菜。ALDI是德国最出名最便宜的超市,接下来有PLUS, PENNY, 另外还有LIDL. 在德国购物, 最麻烦的就是瓶子押金。

旅行中可能用到的简单德语, 呵呵!

德语有26+4( ä ,ö ,ü ,ß )个字母,42个音素.

一时兴起学德语,结果知难而退了, 太难念了.

Hello/ Hallo
Good Morning/ Guten Morgen
Good Night/ Guten Abend
Bye/ Auf Wiedersehen
See u tomorrow/ Bis Mogen
Thanks/ Danke
Please/ Bitte
Welcome/ Nichts zu danken
Chicken/ Huhn, Beef/ Rind-fleisch, Pork/ Schweine-fleisch, Fish/ Fisch
1 to 10/ eins, zwei, drei, vier, finf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn
Where is xxx/ Wo ist XXX
Train Station/ Walte Stella
Excuse me/ En sho li gu

Photos Taken In Germany

Hi Suh Peng,

I really enjoy reading your blog :-).
Very beautiful photo and such captive discriptions about the people, sceneries and your feelings. Did you bet for your favourite football team/star? Who do you think will win the Cup? I only know abt castle Odol from Annet, my superior. nx is planning Users group meeting in Dresdon. Visitng castle Odol and Prague maybe in the programme.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dresden: 让心灵去旅行

人生旅行. 不必在乎目的地. 是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情.

沿着另外一条路,又是不同的风景, 非常漂亮,说夸张一点就是“越看越不想回家”。会努力拍更多更好的照片给大家看的。