Thursday, June 22, 2006


辛辛苦苦出一次国,想带些小礼物回国送给亲朋好友,可要做功课了。如果买回来的东西不具代表性,在 马来西亚就买得到,那可真是会让人气结。据说德国生产的啤酒, 凉酒很好喝,德国的猪脚和香肠更好吃, 到德国不买是一种浪费。不知携带上飞机方不方不便。巧克力据说也是鼎鼎有名的。 唉!可真是辛苦呢!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Don't know whether i use the correct word or not in chinese.

Guten Abend

Anonymous said...

What I consider to be an excellent souvenir of Germany are viertel (quarter liter) wine glasses that have handles. You can buy wine glasses all over the world, but not "viertels", and some are quite attractive. These will bring back pleasant memories of eating and drinking the new wine in a besenwirtschaft.

Anonymous said...

Black bread sounds delicious. Can see why you wouldn't want to bring it back. Can't wait to eat it though.

sheryltsp said...

What is this Black Bread? Never heard of also...

Anonymous said...

dark rye bread, a little like Pumpernickel and there are umpteen different kinds. In general, if you like bread you'll love it. Every bakery has a wide selection and it's different everywhere.

Living in Germany

Anonymous said...

德国各款名牌产品,其品质、实用性及耐用性均获得一致的好评,不锈钢刀具,陶瓷器具,手工艺品:陶瓷制成的少女,德国的木制玩具亦非常著名, 皮具系列: 钱包、手袋、旅行袋等各种款式, Mont Blanc的墨水笔、Lamy的原子笔, Zeiss望远镜和Leica相机。