Friday, June 16, 2006

Wuhan Dishes ...

... here they are: "ma po taufu", "tomato fried egg", "small white vege", "zhi ran pork", soup. And watermelon and "green bean tung sui" as dessert...

Thanks, friends from China.



Anonymous said...

emm..look nice, but wonder how's the taste?

sheryltsp said...

i tell u... it looks nice n it tastes nice... have u ever tried tomato fried egg? Tht's the first time i tried, ichiban!

Anonymous said...

tomato fried egg? is it nice? emm..better then telur bawang?

Anonymous said...

A dried cili on the small white vege! Mmmmh....funny dish, fusion of Germen n Chinese?!

sheryltsp said...

Haha... I requested to have spice food ... n this dish it turns out to be!:P i feel touched anyway...